Monday, May 6, 2013
Thank You

Above - Stat Counter
Below - Cluster Maps

Click on above images for a larger view
This is the blogs 121st post. I started this blog during mid August 2007 and purely for my personal hobby - that is indulging in the beauty of Road/ Street Bikes & Cafe Racers or anything Naked. Its been approximately 13 months now. Around January this year, I learned about STAT COUNTER and pasted it (invisibly) on the blog for obvious self gratification. Then in February, I learned about CLUSTER MAPS and although I tried the invisible mode, it was not there, so pasted the visible mode at the bottom of my page. Page loads has steadily increased from 2324 as in January 2008 to a monthly 19859 as in September 2008, the highest so far, according to StatCounter.
Now if you look at the bottom of the page, you will see the Cluster Map and clicking on it as of today (1st October, 2008) will give you an image as posted above. What is exciting for me is that if you see (below) on the picture where I have marked will Yellow arrows, you will see that page loads in the marked areas has over 1000 hits ( 3 in Western Europe and 1 in Eastern U.S). Now the Green arrow is my home, New Delhi, India. Funny enough the number of hits are yet to hit 1000. I REALLY really would like to know somehow who are these wonderful people who have visited my blog more than me. None the less, who ever you are, a big THANK YOU and of course that goes for all the wonderful people/ bikers that have visited my blog. THANK YOU! from the bottom of my heart.
I do recieve a few emails now and then and I have posted whatever seemed relevant to me. All of these are tagged as Mailbag. If I have forgotten to tag any mail, but have posted the same or have not posted any mail which was relevant, I am deeply sorry. So far, I have not recieved any copyright misuse mail (Thankfully). If any of you visitors have anything to say, good or bad, please mail me at and I will surely post it.
THANK YOU All once again. Also a sincere Thank You to Stat Counter and Cluster Maps for your free service.